Bret Shirley: “Valu Judgement”

November 21st – December 28th, 2014 PRESS RELEASECARDOZA FINE ARTContact- Pablo Cardozat: …

November 21st – December 28th, 2014

Contact- Pablo Cardoza
t: 713-386-9708

Valu+ Judgement

A solo show featuring new sculptures and paintings by Bret Shirley

Cardoza Fine Art 1320 Nance 77002

November 21st- December 28th

Opening November 21st, 7pm – 10pm

Gallery hours Fri-Sun 1pm-6pm

A solo show featuring new sculptures and paintings by Bret Shirley

 Valu+ Judgment is a series of new sculptures and paintings by Bret Shirley. Shirley employs the use inorganic lab grown salt crystals, LEDs, casting resins, and concrete to create a series of sculptures and paintings that reflect on humanities long standing fascination with the beauty and symmetry of crystalline structures.
     The crystal has been associated with the cultural traditions of peoples worldwide over thousands of years. At one time or another health, protection, safety, balance, sexual vitality, invincibility, power, wisdom, clairvoyance and wealth have all been tied to the power of owning crystals. By creating facsimiles of objects that humanity has always valued Shirley explores just how different Crystalline structures are from average types of matter.